Restaurant Zunft zu Webern
Gerechtigkeitsgasse 68
3011 Bern
Telefon 031 / 311 42 58
Telefax 031 / 312 20 66
Directions by car: Leave the motorway on Bern-Wankdorf - at the crossroads direction BEA-Expo/Bern-Altstadt/Bärengraben. Drive down the Aargauerstalden to the Bärengraben. Turn right over the bridge of Nydegg. After the bridge turn right - we recommend the Rathausparking. Cross the road on foot and continue straight ahead. Turn left in the Gerechtigkeitsgasse - the restaurant is located 50m beneath.
Directions by train/on foot: From the main station of Berne, go down the Spitalgasse, Marktgasse and Kramgasse direction Berne-old city/Bärengraben. Follow the Gerechtigkeitsgasse for 50m - our restaurant is located on the left side.
Directions by train/bus: At the main station of Berne take bus nr. 12 in direction of "Zentrum Paul Klee" till the bus stop "Rathaus". Our restaurant is located 50m beneath on the left side.